% This was epac96.cls, then epac98.cls, then JAC99.cls %% %% MODIFIED BY J. POOLE FOR EPAC'98 %% MODIFIED BY L. PIVETTA FOR ICALEPCS'99 %% % This is the official style file of the % 7th International conference on accelerator % and large experimental physics control systems. % % Usage is: % \documentclass{ICALEPCS} % % Information for authors is provided in separate files - % l2ea4.tex and l2eus.tex (for A4 and US Letter size papers resp.) % - which can be used as a models for papers to be submitted. % See also the WWW pages http://www.elettra.trieste.it/ICALEPCS99 % % Modified 24/10/95 - moved Michel Goossens dense list code after % the LoadClass % Modified 18/04/96 - typeout text about graphics package added % % Modified 27/11/97 - New version for EPAC98 - different margins % % Modified 21/05/99 - set \textfraction 0.1 % set \floatpagefraction 0.8 % Make for joint accelerator conferences JAC99 % % Modified 17/06/99 - Adapted for ICALEPCS99. Added 1cm of vspace % between title and the body % \def\fileversion{1.0} \def\filedate{1999/06/17} \def\docdate {1999/06/17} \newlength{\dsep} \newlength{\dwid} \newlength{\dht} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{ICALEPCS}[\filedate\space Version \fileversion] \DeclareOption{acus} {\setlength{\dwid}{6mm}% \setlength{\dht}{-18mm} \setlength{\paperheight}{11in} \setlength{\paperwidth}{8.5in} \typeout{Setup for US LETTER PAPER}} \DeclareOption{aca4} {\setlength{\dwid}{0mm}% \setlength{\dht}{0mm}} \DeclareOption{boxit} %% %% This option draws a box on the output text with the correct margins %% {\special{!userdict begin /bop-hook{ gsave newpath 58 55 moveto 58 737 lineto 539 737 lineto 539 55 lineto closepath stroke grestore }def end}} \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}} \ExecuteOptions{aca4} \ProcessOptions \LoadClass[10pt]{article} \RequirePackage{times} \typeout{------------------------------------------------------------------------} \typeout{LaTeX2e Class file for ICALEPCS'99 Conference publication} \typeout{Use the boxit option to draw a box on page showing the correct margins} \typeout{Itemize, Enumerate and Description environments are compact versions} \typeout{------------------------------------------------------------------------} \typeout{ } % % DIMENSION OF TEXT: \setlength{\textheight}{241mm} \setlength{\textwidth}{170mm} \setlength{\topmargin}{23mm} \addtolength{\topmargin}{\dht} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{20mm} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{20mm} \setlength{\columnsep}{5mm} \hoffset -25.4mm \voffset -25.4mm \columnseprule 0pt % Width of rule between columns. % Use Michel Goossens' dense lists % Prevent infinite loops \let\Otemize =\itemize \let\Onumerate =\enumerate \let\Oescription =\description % Zero the vertical spacing parameters \def\Nospacing{\itemsep=0pt\topsep=0pt\partopsep=0pt\parskip=0pt\parsep=0pt} % Redefine the environments in terms of the original values \newenvironment{Itemize}{\Otemize\Nospacing}{\endlist} \newenvironment{Enumerate}{\Onumerate\Nospacing}{\endlist} \newenvironment{Description}{\Oescription\Nospacing}{\endlist} \renewcommand{\topfraction}{.995} \renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{.995} \renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.01} \renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.1} \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{0.8} \def\@oddhead{}\def\@evenhead{} \def\@oddfoot{} \def\@evenfoot{\@oddfoot} %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % We acknowledge the borrowing of the clever part of % Steven Gildea's definition of \section % from geophysi.sty. % % \section is tricky because we want to both support \section* and have % the section title uppercased. \def\section{\secdef\@sectionb\@sections} \def\@sectionb[#1]#2{\@sections{#2}} \def\@sections#1{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@} {-2.8ex plus -0.8ex minus -.1ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex} {\large\bf\centering}{\uppercase{#1}}} % Should there be any problem with this, we can revert to the following % but then the onus is on the user to type the argument of \section in % uppercase in the input file. % %\def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{-2.8ex plus -0.8ex minus % -.1ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}{\large\bf\centering}} \def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{-2.6ex plus -.8ex minus -.17ex}{1.2ex plus .17ex}{\large\it}} \def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\parindent} {-2.5ex plus -.7ex minus -.17ex}{-1em}{\normalsize\bf}} \def\paragraph{\@startsection {paragraph}{4}{\z@}{2.5ex plus .7ex minus .17ex}{-1em}{\normalsize\it}} \def\subparagraph{\@startsection {subparagraph}{4}{\parindent}{2.25ex plus .7ex minus .17ex}{-1em}{\normalsize\bf}} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} % This definition of \maketitle taken from article.sty, and has been % somewhat modified. \def\maketitle{\par \begingroup \def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}} \def\@makefnmark{\hbox to 5pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}} \twocolumn[\@maketitle] \@thanks \endgroup \setcounter{footnote}{0} \let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax \gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\let\thanks\relax} \newlength{\titleblockheight} % so user can change it if need be \setlength{\titleblockheight}{4cm} \def\@maketitle{\vbox to \titleblockheight {\hsize\textwidth \linewidth\hsize \vfil \centering {\Large\bf \@title \par} \vskip 2em % Vertical space after title. {\large\begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@author \end{tabular}\par} \vfil} \vspace{1cm}} % The \copyrightspace command is used to produce a blank space in the first % column where a copyright notice may go. It works by producing a % blank footnote of the appropriate size. Note that it should appear % after any \footnote commands that produce footnotes for the first % column. Adjusted to leave just 1cm. \def\copyrightspace{\footnotetext[0]{\mbox{}\vrule height 1cm width 0pt}} \def\abstract{\subsection*{Abstract}} \def\endabstract{\par} % Redefine to use smaller fonts \def\thebibliography#1{\setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parsep}{0pt} \section*{REFERENCES\@mkboth {REFERENCES}{REFERENCES}}\small\list {[\arabic{enumi}]}{\settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]}\leftmargin\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep \usecounter{enumi}} \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em} \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000 \sfcode`\.=1000\relax} \let\endthebibliography=\endlist \twocolumn \sloppy \parindent 1em \leftmargini 2em \leftmargin\leftmargini \leftmarginv .5em \leftmarginvi .5em \flushbottom %----------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Here are some useful commands which facilitate correct formatting: % % To give a numerical value with units, e.g. \QTY{ 4.2 }{ MV\,n^{-1} } % (this takes care that the units in an equation are in a roman font % and not in math-italic which is used for symbols, IMPORTANT!!) % \newcommand{\QTY}[2]{\mbox{\(#1\rm\,#2\)}} %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % % To express a number in scientific notation, e.g. \Enum{1.7}{32} \newcommand{\Enum}[2]{\mbox{\(#1\times10^{#2}\)}} % %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % numerical formula e.g. \NQTY{E}{GeV} gives [E/GeV] \newcommand{\NQTY}[2]{\mbox{$[#1/{\rm #2}]$}} % symbol with units in % %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Expectation value or average, e.g. \EV{ x^2 } gives \newcommand{\EV}[1]{\left\langle #1 \right\rangle}% expectation value % %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % These are convenient for quoting luminosity: \newcommand{\LUMI}[1]{\QTY{#1}{cm^{-2}s^{-1}}} \newcommand{\LUM}[2]{\LUMI{#1\times10^{#2}}} % % thus a B-factory design might quote \LUM{3.0}{33} %----------------------------------------------------------------------- \def\gappeq{\mathrel{ \rlap{\raise.5ex\hbox{$>$}} {\lower.5ex\hbox{$\sim$}} } } % % \gappeq is a compound symbol made out of a > sign on top of a tilde % usually used to mean "greater than or approximately equal to" % or "vaguely greater than" by physicists. % It behaves as a mathematical relation in TeX's math modes, e.g. % $ a \gappeq b $ in the text and % $$ a \gappeq b $$ as a display. % \def\lappeq{\mathrel{ \rlap{\raise.5ex\hbox{$<$}} {\lower.5ex\hbox{$\sim$}} } } %-----------------------------------------------------------------------