Shedding new light on Roman-era ink (Press review)

This is what Franco Zanini, a researcher at Elettra who is an expert on archeometry and technologies that use synchrotron light to study our cultural heritage, will attempt to do in a conference to be held at the Aula Magna of Liceo Petrarca starting at 5 PM.

“Our knowledge on ancient techniques to produce ink to write on papyrus scrolls and parchments – explains Zanini – remains uncertain and contradictory. Nevertheless, this information is crucial for the proper preservation of often invaluable documents. A collaborative effort between Sincrotrone Trieste and the University of Trieste has resulted in a new approach to the study of atramentum librarium (the carbon-based ink used especially in the Roma era), with the goal of shedding light, once and for all, on one of the most important aspects of the study of ancient manuscripts”. The conference is part of a series of initiatives to benefit the citizenry organized by Associazione Petrarca, with the involvement of personalities active on the local artistic and cultural scenes. Marina Mai – president of the Association, is “particularly pleased to host Franco Zanini”. “Today’s topic – she adds – is a good opportunity to show the students in our high school, which celebrates its centenary in 2012, that there isn’t and should not be conflict between the hard sciences and the humanities, but rather fruitful collaboration”.

Last Updated on Thursday, 08 March 2012 16:39