Paper ID

For each created abstract, the SPMS server has created a "Contribution ID", i.e., a unique number associated to an abstract. After the reviewing process by the International Program Committee these numbers have been converted to a "Paper ID". Similar to the Contribution ID, this code is also unique for each contribution. In addition it expresses the type of contribution (e.g., oral, poster, or invited) as well as the time, date and location on which the contribution is scheduled to be presented.

Corresponding authors must use the paper ID as reference for upload of their paper and electronic presentations. For more details, please refer to the guidelines for paper submission and the information for speakers.

Paper ID Naming Convention

A paper ID consists of 5 characters followed by two numbers containing information about the date, time and location of the contribution. In general form it may be written as follows:
• DD Day: MO - Monday, TU - Tuesday, WE - Wednesday, TH - Thursday, and FR - Friday.
• X Session: A - Oral Session 08:30-10:15, B - Oral Session 10:45-12:30, C - Oral Session 16:00-17:45, and P - Poster Session.
• Y Type: O - Contributed, and I - Invited.
• Z Location: C - Lecture Hall "Oceanea C", and S - Lecture Hall "Saturnia" (Oral) or Main Hall (Poster).
• nn sequential number

For example, MOAIS05 for 5th presentation as an Invited talk on Monday in the Saturnia lecture hall from 08:30 to 10:15, or THPOS27 for a poster on Thursday at location 27 in the main hall.