Guidelines for the Submission of Abstracts

Where to submit an abstract

Abstracts must be submitted through the FEL2004 abstract submission page.


An abstract is a concise summary of a paper. It should describe the paper and include a statement of the issue, research methods and significant findings. Abstracts should be written as one continuous paragraph.


The deadline for the submission of abstracts to FEL2004 Conference and Users Workshop is:

Friday, April 30, 2004.

Abstract Title

Enter the title of the abstract using headed capital letters.

Presentation Type

Authors of all papers may select "Poster" or "Poster or Oral" in the Presentation Type field. An International Program Committee will select oral presentations from the latter category.

Classification of Abstracts

All contributions are grouped by a classification code. Authors are reminded that it is their responsibility to properly classify their abstracts to ensure that, if accepted for presentation, the paper is properly placed within the conference programme. For the FEL2004 Conference and Users Workshop the classification codes are:

Conference User Workshop
C1 Single-Pass FELs W1 Biological and medical sciences
C2 FEL Theory W2 Chemistry
C3 FEL Experimental Results W3 Physics
C4 FEL Oscillators W4 Materials science
C5 FEL Technology
C6 New Concepts

Please read the first announcement for details on the classification codes.

Abstract Text


The text of the abstract should not exceed 1200 characters (including spaces). No carriage returns are allowed. Once the abstract submission is complete, hit "Submit".

Special Characters

Abstracts should be entered in plain ASCII text. A limited number of special characters may be entered in "LaTeX style". Examples are:

    • "\auml" for ä
    • "\lambda" for λ
    • "10\sup{12}"for 1012
    • "H\sub{2}O" for H2O

See the complete overview for a list of the permitted special characters. LaTeX modifiers, other then subscript or superscript, are not permitted.

Abstract Editing/Entry of Co-authors, etc.

After having "submitted" the abstract, a new window allows authors to print, edit, enter co-authors and designate them as primary/submitting, or speaker/presenter, etc., or withdraw the abstract if necessary. Primary/submitting authors may also at a later stage login to their accounts and edit their abstracts/co-author data, etc.

It is assumed that the submitting author would present a paper for oral presentation if it is so selected. The names of submitting authors/persons who will make oral presentations, will appear first in the list of co-authors in the conference programme and abstracts brochure. If a person other than the submitting author would present the paper then this should be mentioned when submitting the abstract.

Notification of Authors

Notification of the acceptance of contributions for presentation at the Conference will be made to all submitting authors after July 26, 2004 following the decisions of the International Program Committee.