A coffee with women researchers

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On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, the event "Coffee with the Researchers" was held at the Antico Caffè San Marco in Trieste. The event was organized by ICTP in collaboration with Elettra Synchrotron Trieste and other scientific institutes in the Trieste area.
The initiative, created to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, provided an opportunity to meet some of the many female researchers working in institutions within the Trieste scientific community. Among them were beamline scientists Lara Gigli and Elena Longo, who respectively work on the MCX and SYRMEP beamlines at Elettra.
After the opening speech by Dr. Sandro Scandolo, Head Of Research at ICTP, the event continued as a special “speed dating” session, during which the researchers shared their professional experiences and research activities. At the tables of Caffè San Marco, the researchers spoke with many young girls passionate about science, eager to discover the rewards and challenges of a scientific career.
The United Nations have proclaimed the International Day for Women and Girls in Science on February 11 to raise awareness on the disparity that still exists between men and women scientists and to encourage girls and young women to pursue their interest in scientific disciplines. Events like "Coffee with the Researchers" are crucial in promoting the role of women in science and inspiring the next generations of female scientists.

Press review
Ansa.it dd 6.02.2024: 'Da Calabria, Serbia, Marche le scienziate si raccontano'
La Gazzetta del Sud.it dd 06.02.2024: 'Le ricercatrici degli istituti di Trieste si raccontano, c'è anche Elena cha arriva dalla Calabria'
Il Piccolo gelocal 07.02.2024: 'Quando la ricerca è donna: otto scienziate di Trieste si raccontano'
Last Updated on Thursday, 08 February 2024 12:57