Seminars Archive

Fri 17 Oct, at 11:00 - Seminar Room T2

X-ray detectors and their application to imaging with synchrotron radiation

Ralf-Hendrik MENK
University of Siegen, Germany and ELETTRA

In the last years synchrotron radiation facilities have been improved at a fast pace. On the other hand, the progress in photon detector developments has been much slower, and at present detectors are generally the weakest component of beam lines. Nevertheless, recently there are several successful attempts to increase detective quantum efficiency, dynamic range and high flux stability of (imaging) detector systems in order to match the requirements of modern beamlines. Some of these detectors will be discussed and their imaging performance will be illustrated showing some examples of (medical) applications with synchrotron radiation.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 15:21