Seminars Archive

Thu 22 May, at 15:30 - Seminar Room T2

The DUBBLE project at the ESRF

Wim Bras
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, DUBBLE@ESRF, Grenoble, FRANCE

The Dutch Belgian BEamLinEs at the ESRF is a project that operates two beamlines (BM26A,B) which utilize bending magnet radiation as a source. The project has been in existence for over 10 years and can be seen as a Dutch-Flemish national synchrotron radiation facility. The main experimental techniques are X-Ray spectroscopy on BM26A and SAXS/WAXS on BM26B. These techniques can be carried out in time-resolved modes and in recent years an extra accent has been placed on the possibility to carry out microfocus experiments as well as using the conventional sized X-ray beams. In collaboration with Manchester University the emphasis of the development work on the X-ray optics has gone into stabilization of the X-ray beam, not only in beam position but also in beam shape. However, the largest amount of shared user-staff effort has gone in the development of specialized sample environments quite often specifically tailored to the requests of the Dutch-Flemish user community. In the presentation I will give a brief explanation of the project and describe some of the more challenging experiments and experimental set-ups.

(Referer: L. Gregoratti)
Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 15:21