Seminars Archive

Wed 10 Sep, at 14:00 - Seminar Room T2

Present activities and future plans at Jefferson Lab.

Fulvia Pilat
Jefferson Laboratory, USA

Jefferson Laboratory is the home of CEBAF, the first CW linac and the first large scale application of SRF. After almost 2 decades of operations at 6 GeV, CEBAF has been recently upgraded to 12 GeV and I will report on commissioning results and the plans for operations. I will also discuss other activities ongoing at JLAB, including the cryogenics and cryomodule production for LCLS-II, and the JLAB FEL program. I will conclude by presenting the JLAB plans for the EIC ( Electron-Ion Collider), the future of nuclear physics in the US.

(Referer: A. Fabris)
Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 15:21