Downloadable (free) Software from ICALEPCS99 FTP Server

Some software packages have been placed on our FTP server ( in the downloads directory. In other cases we recommend that you retrieve it directly from the source.

PostScript Viewers


You will need to obtain and run the self-extracting EXE

  • gsv27550.exe, GSview 2.7 and Aladdin Ghostscript 5.50 for Win32 3349KB

If you can't download EXE files, download the separate ZIP files:

if you need some extra fonts, you can download this file

  •, Ghostscript extra fonts, 1143KB  (this is optional)

Unzip and follow the instructions in the file README.TXT.


You will need to obtain one of the following:

plus all of these:

Others (non free)

  • EnFocus software, which includes a postscript editor for Macintosh (Tailor) and plug-ins for Acrobat Exchange.


Photo by Ugo Borsatti, Archivio Storico "Foto Omnia"