Elettra Personal Web Page

Ilaria Carlomagno, Ph.D

Beamline scientist at the XRF beamline
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste
SS 14, km 163.5 in Area Science Park
34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy
Tel. +39 040 375 8300 (office)
Tel. +39 040 375 8561 (beamline)

Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3736-1558


  • PhD in joint supervision (2017)
    Science of matter, nanotechnologies and complex systems - Università Roma Tre
    Physique de la matière condensée et du rayonnement - Université Grenoble Alpes
  • M.Sc. Degree in Condensed Matter Physics (2013) - Università Roma Tre
  • Bachelor's Degree in Physics (2011) - Università Roma Tre

Research Activities

X-ray techniques applied to cultural heritage

  • Quantitative analysis of ancient gold coins carried out combining XRF and t-SNE algorithm. Chemical speciation of metals found in the debris accumulated on the surface of the artefact.

Structural and magnetic properties of nanostructured materials

  • Magnetic and structural anisotropy of Co thin films intercalated between Graphene and Ir(111)
    combining laboratory and synchrotron radiation techniques (XPS, LEED, MOKE, XRR, GI-XRD, XANES, EXAFS)
  • Electronic properties of ZnO nanorods upon excimer laser irradiation
    synchrotron radiation techniques (UPS, XPS, GI-XRD) and laboratory techniques (SEM, electrical conductivity) have been used to characterize at different scales the nanorods behavior including the evolution of their electronic properties as well as their

Media communications

Jan 2020 - Tg Leonardo - Rai 3

  • Servizio sull'esperimento condotto sulla linea XRF per analizzare la composizione di monete d'oro di epoca romana (IV - VI secolo d.C.)

Nov 2019 - Il Piccolo

  • Articolo sullo studio XRF di monete d'oro di epoca romana (IV - VI secolo d.C.)
  • Articolo sulla mia storia nel mondo della ricerca.

Nov 2019 - Radar (Radio Rai)

  • Podcast sulle misure XRF effettuate sulle monete d'oro di epoca romana.

last update February 22, 2023, at 02:55 PM by Ilaria Carlomagno