JACoW Team Meeting 2021

JACoW 2021

Participants to the Jacow Team Meeting 2021

Last December Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste organised the 2021 edition of the JACoW Team Meeting. JACoW, the Joint Accelerator Conferences Website, is a collaboration among accelerators in the particle accelerators field with the aim of publishing Open Access Conference Proceedings of more than 20 conference series so far. With around 68,000 individual papers from 230 conferences, including scanned articles from the fifties, JACoW is a valuable scientific repository of papers open to the community.

The JACoW Team meets every year for a full week to discuss achievements, develop new techniques, educate new editors and plan for the future of proceedings in our community. Elettra was the natural candidate for last year's JACoW Team Meeting due to its involvement in the organisation of the 40th edition of the Free Electron Laser conference (FEL2022, Trieste, August 2022) and the 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’23, Venice, May 2023).

After the 2020 meeting was cancelled due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the team was able to restart its works in an hybrid meeting in 2021: with 56 participants this was the largest meeting so far. Initially planned with 50% of people in presence, the COVID-19 increase in severity all around Europe in autumn resulted in only a 30% of people taking part in presence at the Double Tree by Hilton hotel in Trieste: the rest was able to attend remotely via Zoom. Following the usual rotation among the three major areas (EMEA, Americas, Asia-Pacific), next year's Team Meeting will be organised in North America (venue still to be confirmed).


Last Updated on Friday, 30 September 2022 14:09