Trieste Italy, 4-8 October
 7th International conference on accelerator and large experimental physics control systems

ICALEPCS '99 Conference Secretariat
use this contact for general information, logistics, author support

Sincrotrone Trieste
S. S. 14 - km 163.5
in Area Science Park
I - 34012 Basovizza - Trieste

e-mail: icalepcs@elettra.trieste.it
www: http://www.elettra.trieste.it/ICALEPCS99
Tel. +39-040-375-8534
Fax. +39-040-375-8058

ICALEPCS '99 Organization Secretariat
use this contact for accomodation, booking, registration

Elena Decolle - The Office
Via San Nicoḷ, 14
34121 - Trieste

e-mail: elena.decolle@theoffice.it
Tel: +39-040-368-343
Fax: +39-040-368-808

ICALEPCS '99 Industrial Exhibition Manager

Cristiana Fiandra - The Office
Via San Nicoḷ, 14
34121 - Trieste

e-mail: Exhib@theoffice.it
Tel: +39-040-368-343
Fax: +39-040-368-808

ICALEPCS '99 Editorial Team

Ivan Andrian
Sincrotrone Trieste
S. S. 14 - km 163.5
in Area Science Park
I - 34012 Basovizza - Trieste

e-mail: ivan.andrian@elettra.trieste.it
www: http://www.elettra.trieste.it/ICALEPCS99
Tel. +39-040-375-8353
Fax. +39-040-938-0902

Photo by Ugo Borsatti, Archivio Storico "Foto Omnia"