SHARPER 2020 - European Researchers' Night


SHARPER is the name of one of the seven Italian projects financed by the European Commission for the European Researchers' Night in 2020  stands for SHAring Researchers’ Passions for Evidences and Resilience and aims to engage the public in discovering what it means to be a researcher and the role that researchers play in building society's future by exploring the world based on facts, observations and the ability to adapt and interpret increasingly complex and changing social and cultural contexts

The 17 sustainable Development Goals set by the UN have been the theme for this year.  The 28 hours' SHARPER Marathon held online on the 26th and 27th of November, saw meetings, virtual tours, games, improvisations, concerts and live debates by reaserchers of 13 Italian cities: the longest marathon in the history of the European Researchers' Night!

Elettra Sincrotrone presented a virtual tour on national live streaming:
"Elettra, la macchina di luce di sincrotrone" , viewers guided by Marco Zangrando, researcher at Elettra, met his colleagues Giuliana Aquilanti, Benedetta Marmiroli and Franco Zanini while at work on the experimental stations;
Link to the  video  avi (from 08':12")

and within  'A tu per tu con i ricercatori - inseguendo gli obiettivi':
"Raggi X: uno strumento 'antico' fondamentale nelle nuove sfide tecnologiche"
  the interview to Ilaria Carlomagno, researcher at Elettra,  presented by Riccardo Cucini of the 'Compagnia Topi di Laboratorio'. 
Link to the video  avi (from 05:34':40")

The full program and the recorded video of the marathon are available on the official website SHARPER.


  • IL PICCOLO dd 30/11/2020: "La Notte dei Ricercatori lascia un'eredità speciale, gli eventi registrati in rete"

  • TV CAPODISTRIA, dd 01.12.2020  "Tuttoggi Scuola" interview to  Marco Zangrando, researcher at Elettra and IOM-CNR, Head of the FERMI Photon Beamlines and Diagnostics system.   avi  (from 13'.30'')


Last Updated on Tuesday, 19 January 2021 12:53