Second IAEA Workshop at Elettra

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(ph. Massimo Goina)

From 25 to 29 July, 2022, IAEA and Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste have organized the second edition of the del Training Workshop on Synchrotron Technologies and Techniques and their Applications held at Elettra premises.
Five female and four male students from nine different countries have attended the lectures given by researchers from Elettra and IAEA on the exceptional properties of synchrotron radiation, on principles of x-ray absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence and diffraction. As well, the applications of such techniques have been highlighted among which environmental science, cultural heritage and materials science. The workshop has shown the unique opportunities offered by synchrotron facilities and gave the opportunity to practice writing and submitting successful proposals for getting beamtime. The hands-on sessions at beamlines XAFS, XRF and MCX have given the participants the chance to perform real experiments making them users of Elettra for one day.

Elettra and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) have a long standing collaboration. Since 2005 Elettra is "IAEA Collaborating Centre” and endorses the Agency’s activities in disseminating scientific and technical culture and promoting international networks among the research communities worldwide. IAEA also is a Partner of the XRF beamline at Elettra since 2012.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 11:01