
Investigation of the microstructure and mineralogical composition of urinary calculi fragments by synchrotron radiation X-ray microCT: a feasibility study

The  outcomes  from  the  feasibility  study  on utilization  of  synchrotron  radiation  X-ray  microtomography (SR-lCT) to investigate the texture and the quantitative   mineralogical   composition   of   selected   calcium oxalate-based urinary calculi fragments are presented.
J. Kaiser et. al. Urol Res (2011) 39:259–267

The  outcomes  from  the  feasibility  study  on utilization  of  synchrotron  radiation  X-ray  microtomography (SR-lCT) to investigate the texture and the quantitative   mineralogical   composition   of   selected   calcium
oxalate-based urinary calculi fragments are presented. The comparison  of  the  results  obtained  by  SR-lCT  analysis with   those   derived   from   current   standard   analytical approaches is provided. SR-lCT is proved as a potential effective   technique   for   determination   of   texture,   3D
microstructure, and composition of kidney stones

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Investigation of the microstructure and mineralogical composition of urinary calculi fragments by synchrotron radiation X-ray microtomography: a feasibility studyand  Jozef Kaiser , Marke´ta Hola´, Michaela Galiova´,  Karel Novotny´, Viktor Kanicky´, Petr Martinec  Jirˇı´ Scˇucˇka,  Francesco Brun, Nicola Sodini,
Giuliana Tromba,  Lucia Mancini,  Tamara Korˇistkova, Urol Res (2011) 39:259–267 DOI 10.1007/s00240-010-0343-9      doi link

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