Seminars Archive

Mon 9 Jan, at 11:00 - Fermi room

Circuit quantum electrodynamics of DC driven mesoscopic devices

Marc Peter Westig
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands

Thanks to phase coherence of electrons in nanoscale conductors, many concepts of quantum optics can be transposed to mesoscopic physics. The Landauer-Buettiker formalism that describes electronic transport through quantum conductors with the wave scattering approach of quantum optics, best illustrates the analogy. In return, quantum components such as Josephson junctions or quantum dots form artificial atoms which have allowed original quantum optics experiments. Even stronger, the connection between quantum electrical transport and quantum optics goes beyond these analogies. A dc biased quantum conductor gives rise to current fluctuations due to the granularity of charge carriers and the probabilistic character of quantum transport. Such current fluctuations may excite the surrounding electromagnetic modes, giving rise to a rich regime of light-matter coupling. I will present our recent experimental results which quantify that this light-matter coupling strongly modifies the response of the quantum conductor and can produce non-classical radiation. The presented work has been realized at the Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé at CEA Paris-Saclay/France in the Quantronics and Nanoelectronics groups.

(Referer: F. Parmigiani)
Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 15:21