Conferences Archive


XIII Users
14 - 16 / 12, 2005 | Trieste, Italy
XIII Users' Meeting - Users' Meeting
Research Infrastructures for Cultural Heritage logo
12 - 13 / 12, 2005 | Trieste, Italy
Research Infrastructures for Cultural Heritage
Two colour experiments at synchrotron radiation sources: present and future logo
10 - 11 / 11, 2005 | Trieste, Italy
Two colour experiments at synchrotron radiation sources: present and future
Course on Accelerator Physics (Intermediate level) logo
02 - 14 / 10, 2005
Course on Accelerator Physics (Intermediate level)
OpenDay - Vieni a trovare la RICERCA logo
21 / 05 - / , 2005 | ELETTRA
OpenDay - Vieni a trovare la RICERCA - al Laboratorio ELETTRA
Second Italian - Australian Workshop on Future Directions in Spectroscopy and Imaging with Synchrotron Radiation logo
09 - 11 / 02, 2005 | Trieste, Italy
Second Italian - Australian Workshop on Future Directions in Spectroscopy and Imaging with Synchrotron Radiation
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 28 Febbraio 2012 08:53